The ABCs of IVF

Nov 27, 2024

NOM Announces Date for 2017 'March for Marriage' in DC


President Trump and his conservative Supreme Court pick Neil Gorsuch may consider same-sex marriage a "settled law," but that message won't stop the desperate dinosaurs of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) from throwing their annual "March for Marriage" this June.

Some people never learn their lesson. After a dismal showing at last year's March for Marriage that drew exactly 237 participants on a sunny day, NOM is back. On Wednesday, the anti-LGBT group sent a message to followers announcing the date of this year's failure.

"We have just confirmed with the authorities that the 2017 March for Marriage has been officially scheduled for Saturday, June 17th in Washington, DC!" reads an email sent by NOM on Wednesday.

But wait. There's more.

The news about NOM's March for Marriage 2017 comes amid a faltering fundraising drive from the cash-strapped group.

Per usual, NOM's announcement on Wednesday came with the requisite money beg.

"Because of the addition of the March for Marriage to our workload, our generous donor has agreed to extend our Spring Matching Fund drive by an entire month!" the email read.

NOM President Brian Brown saved the best unintended comedy of his email for last when he wrote that "Last year's March for Marriage blew people away when approximately 400 people attended. LGBT extremists who had predicted the death of NOM could not believe their eyes at the crowd of supporters who gathered in DC to support true marriage."

But boots on the ground that day had a different tally. When the number is under 1,000. It's easy to get an accurate figure.

This tweet was backed up by the photo in this tweet.

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