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Nov 27, 2024

Anti-Gay Activist with A Love Of Aliteration Pukes Over "Pussy-Cat Pastors"


In an odd turn, the Christian activist who once petitioned to burn the LGBT flag and berated Pope Francis for his famous "who am I to judge" quote, is now calling for pastors to be thrown in jail for preaching against homosexuality - but just to make a point.

In an opinion piece published on �ber right wing website BarbWire, "Coach" Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries blasted legislation known as "The Pastor Protection Act" - a bill that lets anti-gay clergy say whatever they want without legal recourse. His beef with it is it makes the anti-gay crowd run for government cover rather than standing up for his anti-gay Biblical principles openly.

In a stunning act of alliteration, Daubenmire used every "p" in his arsenal while going after what he called "pussy-cat pastors."

The weakness of America's pulpits makes me want to puke. The pussy-cat pastors have appealed to the pandering politicians for protection from the pansy perverts who never saw a religious principle that they didn't want to destroy.

He continued:

I'm sorry to say it but I think America might be a different country if some of the prissy pastors got their powdered posteriors thrown behind bars. If jail was good enough for the Apostle Paul then it might be just the cure for the cowards who are directly responsible for Christianity's capitulation to the forces of darkness.

According to the�Encyclopedia of American Loons,�Daubenmire came to the public eye in the late 1990's while working as a high school football coach he was sued by the ACLU for coercing his players to pray. The case resulted in a court order for Daubenmire to stop leading religious activities at school. The school board paid an $18,000 settlement.

Post-coaching, Daubenmire built a new career on telling people how his first amendment rights were violated by the Constitution, and on running the ministry he founded, Pass the Salt Ministries. He also runs something called "Minutemen united," a group of people who disrupt church services to proclaim their anti-gay stance. He also advocates revolution to obliterate the distinction between church and state.

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